An Introduction to Science

Science is not a particular area of study, but the application of science to the natural world. The word science is derived from Greek words that meant “learning” and “study”. It was through the efforts of Galileo Galilei, that science as we know it today was formally introduced into the Western society. Galileo Galilei was a scientist who made great contributions to the field of science by discovering the location of Jupiter’s moon, which he called the” Galilean satellites” by using the telescope. In 1610, he became the first person to put together a theoretical explanation of the moon, its orbit, and planetary motions.


Science deals with the application of the scientific method to the natural world. It seeks to describe, explain, and determine the cause and effect of natural phenomena. Science is a systematic approach that constructs and develops knowledge in the form of predictions and testable predictions about the physical world. It also considers the question “what is beyond the natural,” and attempts to answer this question through an adequate knowledge of the natural world.

Science has three basic areas of focus: physical sciences, life sciences, and cognitive sciences. Within each of these categories are various sub-fields that specialize in specific areas of physical science, life science, or cognitive science. Some examples of physical science sub-fields are physics, astronomy, chemistry, zoology, computer science, and forestry. On the other hand, life sciences include the study of anatomy, physiology, immunology, infectious diseases, and nutrition. Cognitive science, psychology, and neuropsychology all deal with the way people think, reason, and behave. There is even a sub-field of science that studies how technology affects society.

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