Education in Different Levels


Education in Different Levels

Education is the learning of things, the acquirement of knowledge, skills, social values, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs, by people of different ages at different stages of life. Education includes the systematic development of a person through different stages of his life. Education helps people to use their brain and their resources, in order to learn new things. Education also involves training, teaching, storytelling, reflection and group work. Education helps people to use their brain and their resources, in order to learn new things. Education is used to ensure that children are well-rounded and are prepared for their future.

Education differs from formal education in the sense that it does not have academic standards or a certification process. In the education system, there are some processes that need to be followed for attaining a certain educational level or category, like: academic assessment, written examinations, student reviews, recommendation by teachers or guardians and recommendation by an expert from the educational institution. Formal education is a process by which people obtain higher education degrees. Adult education generally refers to adult education programs such as adult basic education, adult high school education and higher education certificates.

Informal education is generally described as a learning process that is done in small group, or in small spaces. The informal education does not have any academic or institutional quality. It can be characterized by the following qualities: the ability to modify learning based on situations, the ability to self-adjust to circumstances, the ability to communicate and to participate in group activities, the ability to make us understand what we already know, the ability to make us adapt to changing environments, the ability to make us active participants in our environment and the ability to make us responsible for our own learning.

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